What to write when forwarding an email (With Samples)

What to write when forwarding an email (With Samples)

Hey, email writers, Sandun here! Welcome to the “Email Etiquette Guru.” Today, we are going to talk about “what to write when forwarding an email” or “how to forward an email to someone” FYI

We do send emails at different times for different reasons. Did you know that in 2021, nearly 319.6 billion daily emails were sent/received worldwide? 

According to a report published on Radicati, these numbers will increase by about 4.1% by 2025.

email statistics by Radicati
Source: Radicati

And, how many of them will go as forwarded emails? How much do you forward per day by saying FYI? Wait… is the “FYI” correct forwarding email etiquette to forward emails? 

Let’s find out the best way to forward your email with samples.

When I forward emails, I often have problems with what to write in the message.

So, I did some research on this subject, and there I was able to find many interesting facts about forwarding email etiquette.

Different Phrases that can be Used to Forward an Email

When you forward an email to someone, in most cases, you can  easily incorporate the below-mentioned phrases into your message:

I am forwarding the below email
I’m forwarding you the email below
I am forwarding you the email
I will forward this email with the concerned matter of your message
Please find the forwarded email below for your information
Please find forwarded email
I am forwarding you the email below for your information
FYI = For Your Information
Table 1. Different phrases that can be used to forward an email

Is it enough just to type them when you are in a formal conversation?

It is not enough on some occasions because we can make our conversation even more professional by combining those phrases and email forwarding etiquette.

So, now let’s find out what that means and what you need to know about it.

What Is the Email Forwarding?

Email forwarding is the activity of re-sending received email messages to one or more email addresses.

We forward emails when we need to forward an email to a person or group who wants to know about it.

There are mainly two types of email forwarding, the first one is manual email forwarding, and the second one is automatic email forwarding.

Here we are only talking about the etiquette of manual email forwarding.

Six Forwarding Email Etiquette You Should Know

What to write when forwarding an email (With Samples)

Here are the six forwarding email etiquette you need to consider.

By following these steps, you can minimize the potential for errors in forwarding an email.

  1. Be sure to edit the email before sending it. Your email may contain sensitive data that you do not want to send to anyone else.
  2. Before forwarding an email, ask yourself why you need to send its contents to another person or more. It will ensure that you do not forward emails to the wrong persons.
  3. No matter how busy you are, be sure to write at least a comment at the top of the forwarding email to the recipient. If you do not have time for that, send the message only when convenient for you.
  4. Sometimes the nature of the conversation varies from person to person, so if the content of the message is not in their area, the person you are going to forward the email to may misunderstand it. In such cases, be sure to send the entire email only to the essentials, not to some people.
  5. If the content of the email message does not provide any value or information to a third party, it is best not to forward an email.
  6. If you are sending an email to a group of strangers, put your email address in the “To” field and all other email addresses in the “BCC” field. Doing so can protect recipients’ email addresses from being leaked to strangers.

What are FYI and FYR in Email Forwarding?

FYI and FYR are abbreviations used in email communication by most professionals. 

FYI – For Your Information

FYR – For Your Reference

But when you just include FYI or FYR when you are forwarding an email, It may feel like a Passive-Aggressive Communication tool.

It is best not to use such FYI and FYR abbreviations when forwarding email messages at most times. Because using only FYI or FYR make you rude to the recipient.

But if you want to use it, use it with some context. 

E.g., FYI, please study the below email before you come to the next meeting.

Email Forwarding Message Template

When creating a forwarding email message template, it is vital to make sure that it is a short & straightforward message. 

But in some cases, it can also be a lengthy explanation. 

The basic forwarding email template is as follows.

a) A proper email greeting

b) In your email; Say I am forwarding the below email / I’m forwarding you the email below / I am forwarding you the email, etc. Depending on the nature of the conversation, we may use these phrases.

c) Reason for forwarding the email to the recipient. (Use it only if necessary)

d) Your email signature

Forward Email Sample

Sample 01

Hello John,

Please find the forwarded email below for your information.

Best regards,

Sample 02

Hi Jennie,

Thank you for your interest in our products. You sent your email to the wrong department.

But don’t worry. I will forward your email to the appropriate person.

Best regards,

Sample 03

Dear Mr. Joseph,

I am forwarding the following email sent to the ABC Export Accounts Department today, June 11, 2021, because I forgot to include your email address in the CC.

Purchasing Executive
ABC Exports

Sample 04

Hi Olivia:

Nice to hear from you again. I am sorry you haven’t heard back about your quotation for sales.

I can assure you that I forwarded your email to our purchasing manager, and I assume the delay is due to our ongoing system update within the organization.

We are dedicating so much of our time to this system update presently.

I will forward this email as a reminder to our purchasing manager and guarantee you that you have not been forgotten.

Purchasing Executive
ABC Exports

Sample 05

Hello John:

I will forward you an email ready to be sent to Mr. Raj to confirm our new sale.

I am forwarding this email message to you before sending it to Mr. Raj. Can you check and confirm this, please?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Purchasing Executive
ABC Exports

Sample 06

Mrs. Fennie:

We received your email last Friday.

We want to help you with this matter, and I have forwarded the email to our Marketing Manager. He will contact you within 48 hours for a speedy resolution of this matter.

Sandun Nirmala
Marketing Executive
ABC Exports

Final Conclusion

For various reasons, you will often need to forward emails at work or in your personal life.

In such cases, following the email forwarding etiquette will make it much easier for you to manage professional email communication.

Also, the care you show, even in these two small ones, can reflect your professionalism, which is a boon to your professional communication.

So take advantage of the above findings and improve your email etiquette for career success.

Thanks for reading.

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