Oh, what did I just do? Sure, the next step will be writing an apology email for forgetting an attachment.
Have you ever sent an email and realized after hitting “send” that you forgot to attach a crucial document? This is a common mistake that can cause frustration and inconvenience for the recipient, especially if they are expecting to receive the attachment in a timely manner.
The good news is that there is a simple solution to this problem: writing an apology email. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of apologizing for forgetting an attachment and provide some tips on how to write an effective apology email.
Why is it important to apologize for forgetting an attachment?
When someone forgets to attach an attachment to an email, what should be the next step? Many people tend to apologize for forgetting the attachment and send another email with the correct attachment.
Forgetting to attach a document to an email may seem like a small mistake, but it can have big consequences. For example, the recipient may have to waste time following up with you to request the missing attachment, which can delay their work or cause them to miss a deadline.
Additionally, the recipient may form a negative impression of you and your professionalism if you don’t take responsibility for your mistake or show that you value their time and attention.
That’s why it’s important to apologize for forgetting an attachment and take steps to prevent the mistake from happening again in the future.
However, it is no secret that such mistakes can be easily prevented if proper email etiquette is followed.
How do you write an apology email for forgetting an attachment?
You can simply say, “Sorry! I forgot to attach the file in my last email” or “Sorry, I forgot to include the attachment” or “My apologies, here is the attachment I forgot to attach in my last email” or “My apologies, I did not send the attachment, so here it is attached.”
There are things to consider when setting up an apology email for forgetting an attachment. These tips will help you prepare your new email letter more accurately and prevent such mistakes from happening again.
So, let’s look into what that means and what you need to know about it.
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Tips for writing an effective apology email for forgetting an attachment:
Use an appropriate subject line
Choosing the right subject line is also very important when creating an apology email for forgetting your attachment. Because the selected subject line is the main interface of any of your email messages.
The selected subject line should be able to give a hint about the content of your email message as soon as the recipient sees it. So, the recipient should understand as soon as they see your email that this is a new email sent for a missed mistake.
If you do not use the correct subject line, the recipient may not even open the email.
Here are samples that can be used as a subject line in an apology email:
- Apologies for Forgetting the Attachment in the Previous Email
- Sorry About Forgetting the Attachment – Here it is
- Correction: Attachment Included – Apologies for the Oversight
- Oops! The attachment was missing – My Apologies
- Correction: Attachment included with sincere apologies for the previous email
- Rectifying …..Previous Subject Line….
- Correcting …..Previous Subject Line….
- Mistake In …..Previous Subject Line….
- Attachment for …..Previous Subject Line….
- Here comes the attachment for …..Previous Subject Line….
- Whoops, it might help if I actually attached the file! (Funny)
- Oops, here comes the attachment (Funny)
Read More: A Psychological Based Analysis of Marketing Email Subject Lines
Start with a sincere apology
The first step in writing an effective apology email is to start with a sincere apology. Use a friendly and professional tone to show that you take the mistake seriously and that you value the recipient’s time and attention. Make it clear that you are taking responsibility for the mistake and that you are committed to taking steps to prevent it from happening again in the future. For example:
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I apologize for forgetting to attach the document to my previous email. I realize that this may have caused you inconvenience, and I am truly sorry for any confusion or frustration that I may have caused.
Explain the situation
After apologizing, it’s important to explain the situation and provide some context for why you forgot to attach the document. Be honest and straightforward, but avoid making excuses or blaming others. For example:
I was in a hurry to send the email and didn’t double-check to make sure that I had attached the file. I take full responsibility for this oversight and will be more careful in the future to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.
Attach the file and offer further assistance
The next step is to attach the missing document to your email and check that it is complete and can be opened and read. Additionally, offer any further assistance or clarification that the recipient may need. For example:
Attached, please find the document that I forgot to include in my previous email. If you have any trouble accessing or opening the file, please don’t hesitate to let me know, and I’ll be happy to assist you in any way that I can.
Close the email with a polite expression of gratitude
End your email with a polite expression of gratitude and a positive tone. Thank the recipient for their understanding and patience, and express your hope that you can continue to work together successfully in the future. For example:
Thank you again for your understanding and patience in this matter. I appreciate your time and attention and hope that we can continue to work together successfully in the future.
Things to Consider When Making an Apology Email for Forgetting an Attachment

Act immediately
There are no consequences to repentance for the wrong you have done. What happened is over. Therefore, all you need to do is prepare your apology email as soon as possible and send it with the correct attachment. While that attachment may not be the most essential thing, it is very professional email etiquette to send a letter like this again because you mentioned it in the previous email.
Keep your head clear
As I said before, what happened is a thing of the past. There is a risk that there will be more mistakes in the new email due to unnecessary fear or anxiety. So, think carefully about what you are doing. Or, if you make a mistake again, the recipient will see that you are careless.
Don’t be ashamed to correct mistakes
There is no point in keeping information someone needs because you are ashamed to send it again. So, it is better to finish your task by sending the relevant things than to be ashamed. And do not let other people’s feelings interfere with your work. If you do the right thing, don’t be ashamed of it.
So why are we waiting any longer, let’s write an apology email for forgetting an attachment.
Apology Email Sample for Forgetting an Attachment
Subject: Mistake in Invoices for Listing Charges at SPAR
Dear Emma,
I apologize for forgetting to attach the document to my previous email. Here it is attached.
Thank you again for your understanding and patience in this matter. I appreciate your time and attention
Best Regards,
Now you may be wondering if this little email alone is enough. No, there is a thing to practice so that you do not make the same mistake again. Never leave the sender’s email address until you have completed your email and attached the relevant attachment. Then, even if you accidentally press the send button, such errors will never occur.
Read More: What to write when forwarding an email (With Samples)
How to Avoid Such Mistakes Happening

Preventing mistakes is a much better email etiquette than correcting them when using email in professional life. So, how do you stop sending emails without attachments?
Never enter the sender’s email address until you have completed your email and attached the relevant attachment. Then, even if you accidentally press the send button, such errors will never occur.
You can attach the attachment when initiating the email. You can also edit your email after attaching the attachment.
Don’t forget to double-check the emails you process in your career. It is also good email etiquette to proofread before sending an email.
Always use the most trusted email software to handle your email. For example, Gmail and Outlook have the ability to remind you if you forgot to attach an attachment. This is done by using their technology to understand the contents of your email message.
In conclusion, keep in mind that forgetting to attach an attachment is not the end of the world – no one is perfect, and the recipient is more likely to have made the same mistake someday. Even if not, this is not a significant problem unless you do it repeatedly.
Forgetting to attach a document to an email can be a frustrating and embarrassing mistake, but it doesn’t have to ruin your professional relationships. By following these simple steps and writing a sincere and polite apology email, you can show your colleagues, clients, and business partners that you take your commitments seriously and that you value their time and attention.
But if you make mistakes like this all the time, further mastering email ethics will definitely help your career.
So the article I wrote earlier may also help you.
Read More: 10 Email Etiquette Rules Which Can Help You In Workplace
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